On the surface, Ritsu Kirigaya appears to be thriving as a pianist, but his troubled relationships with his mentor and family, coupled with his conflicting emotions toward your self-reliance and independence, fill him with anxiety and feelings of inadequacy.
Oblivious to his struggles and inner turmoil, you work tirelessly to become the ideal woman for Ritsu. But as your efforts continue, you come to discover his true feelings…
VA: Max★Maaraa
Age: 28
“No one can stir my emotions like you.”
An accomplished pianist who garnered many awards and has the capability to conduct solo concerts. His talent is recognized by a legendary pianist, who has taken him on as their one and only pupil.
He appears confident and self-assured but is diligent in his efforts behind the scenes.
Alongside complicated relationships with his mentor and family, he harbors mixed emotions towards his girlfriend, who seems to lead a fulfilling life even during his absences.